VinAI has 4 Papers Accepted to NeurIPS 2022!

12/10/2023 / Achievement

VinAI is proud to announce that we have 4 accepted papers at NeurIPS 2022, one of the most prestigious conferences focusing on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. Together with this achievement, we are extremely proud to announce that VinAI has achieved a total of 101 accepted & published papers at Top-tier conferences in Machine Learning, Computer Vision, and Natural Language Processing. This record number of published papers further showcases VinAI as Vietnam’s leading AI and Machine Learning research company.

What an amazing achievement, we send a big congratulations to all those involved!

Take a look at the accepted papers:

  1. Stochastic Multiple Target Sampling Gradient Descent (to appear). By Phan Viet Hoang (VinAI), Ngoc Tran Ngo Quang (VinAI), Trung Le (VinAI), Toan Tran (VinAI), Nhat Ho and Dinh Phung (VinAI)
  2. Learning White Noises in Neural Stochastic Differential Equations (to appear). By Anh Tong, Thanh Nguyen-Tang, Toan Tran (VinAI), Jaesik Choi
  3. QC-StyleGAN – Quality Controllable Image Generation and Manipulation (to appear). By Dat Nguyen* (VinAI), Phong Tran*, Tan Dinh (VinAI), Cuong Pham (VinAI) and Anh Tran (VinAI)
  4. MoVQ: Modulating Quantized Vectors for High-Fidelity Image Generation (to appear). By Chuanxia Zheng, Tung-Long Vuong (VinAI), Jianfei Cai and Dinh Phung (VinAI)

*: Equal contribution

As of late July 2022, the conference had 9,634 full submissions reviewed by more than 10,400 reviewers. The conference will be organized in a hybrid mode: offline at the New Orleans Convention Center and online in early December 2022.

For more information about preliminary reviews at:

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